Thursday, January 21, 2010


One down (or should I say, "One UP"?), one to go.

Just wanted to show you that I AM trying to complete this project.
My youngest ("Sunshine") is with my parents today and tomorrow, so I do have some extra "free" time to devote to sewing (as soon as I return from the "100th Day of School" activities!).

Wish me luck!

P.S. When I went upstairs this morning to wake up my other three, there sat Sunshine's suitcase. Yikes!


  1. Your bedroom is looking fabulous! How has it been making the blinds? I have always wanted to try that & have been saving a tutorial so I can figure it out when I'm ready....

    How cute is that, your Sunshine already having her suitcase packed?! sweet!


  2. The room is looking sunshinelicious!! Did she forget her suitcase? Uh ho..

  3. When I'm finished making the blinds, I'll tell you a secret about them...super ez!

    And Sunshine LEFT her suitcase! Ugh! :)

  4. I love the sunny yellow color! It's so cute!
